Sunday , September 29 2024

Chanakya Lesson: Do you know what should be the status of girls in the house?


Chanakya Lessons: Acharya Chanakya is also one of the scholars of the country. The principles written by him about life are relevant even today. He was proficient in politics, diplomacy and economics. If any person reads Chanakya’s principles properly and implements them in his life, then many problems of a person’s life get solved. Chanakya not only mentioned politics or diplomacy in his policies, but also mentioned saving money, protecting honor etc. So let us know in today’s article which seven people should not touch their feet.

Padabhyam Ch Parhodgni Guru Brahmanamevach!! Naiva gam kumarim ch vridham na shishom and!!

The meaning of this verse written by Acharya Chanakya is that fire, Jupiter, Brahmin, cow, virgin, old man and child should not be touched.

Acharya Chanakya said that fire has got the place of God in Sanatan Dharma. Only after lighting the fire we all of good deeds Let’s start and take a fast considering it as a witness. If a person insults Agni, the gods will be angry with him. Acharya Shri said that Brahmins and Gurus should never be disrespected in the society. Disrespecting them destroys a person’s life.


In this verse of Chanakya Niti, Kumari is said to be the equivalent of a virgin to a goddess. That’s why it is said that no girl should be touched by the feet. On the contrary, you can get their blessings. Acharya Chanakya has said that the elders of the house should always be respected, insulting them will spoil the condition of all the planets and there will be a flood of troubles in a person’s life.

Cow has been given the status of mother in Hinduism. The cow represents the three deities. So bringing, giving or touching it can harm you. Similarly, a small child is also considered as a form of God. They should never be harassed or insulted. It is believed that insulting them is insulting God.