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Celebrating Hindi Diwas 2023: Messages that Will Ignite Your Love for the Mother Language

Hindi Diwas Whatsapp Messages: Celebrating the Essence of the Indian Language

Hindi, often hailed as the pride and identity of India, is celebrated every year on September 14th as Hindi Diwas. This significant date marks the adoption of Hindi in its Devanagari script as the official language of India in 1949. The purpose of Hindi Diwas is to express the importance and love for this language, and it’s not limited to just the people residing in India. Even those living abroad actively promote and propagate Hindi on this special occasion. So, on this auspicious day, don’t forget to send your heartfelt Hindi Diwas wishes.

1. A Day When Hindi Soars High

Hindi Diwas is the day when the tricolor of Hindi waves proudly in all directions. Everyone who knows this language becomes a knowledgeable Indian. Happy Hindi Diwas!

2. Unity in Language, Unity in Diversity

Our country will only progress when everyone’s hopes are aligned, when our thoughts are one, and our language is uniform. Heartfelt wishes on Hindi Diwas!

3. Promoting Hindi – A Continuous Effort

Promoting Hindi is not just for one day; it’s a continuous effort. Let’s celebrate Hindi Diwas every day in our hearts.

4. Hindi: The Bond that Unites

Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian – we are all brothers because of Hindi. It’s the thread that connects us all.

5. Hindi: The Language of Dreams

Hindi is the language in which I’ve woven my dreams, the language that’s connected to all my aspirations. Hindi is my identity.

6. Respecting Our Mother Tongue

Together, let’s honor our mother tongue, respect our language, and let Hindi be the bindi on India’s forehead.

7. Preserving Hindi Heritage

On Hindi Diwas, we pledge to awaken the pride of Hindi in the hearts of people and preserve it as the pride of India.

8. Hindi – A Precious Gem

Hindi is like the beloved daughter of Sanskrit, walking gracefully with her sisters. It’s beautiful, melodious, sweet, and simple.

9. The Power of Words

Silent lips spoke, closed doors whispered, but some words were said in Hindi. Happy Hindi Diwas!

10. Hindi: The Essence of Learning

From my father’s scolding to my mother’s lullabies, from schoolbooks to friends’ talks – Hindi has played a significant role in everything I’ve achieved.


Hindi Diwas is not just a date on the calendar; it’s a celebration of our rich linguistic heritage. Hindi unites us, transcending religious and regional boundaries. So, let’s celebrate this day with pride and spread the love for our mother tongue.