Friday , September 20 2024

Budhwar Upay: If you want to get rid of physical and mental troubles, then do this remedy on Wednesday


Wednesday Remedy: Wednesday is the day of Lord Ganesha, the destroyer of troubles. Lord Ganesha has been given the status of the first worship among the deities. By his grace all troubles go away. In whose horoscope Mercury is weak. They should worship Lord Ganesha on Wednesday, so that the blessings of Lord Ganesha remain on them.

Lord Ganesha has been called the first worshiper in the scriptures. Any auspicious and auspicious work begins with the worship of Lord Ganesha. It is said that by worshiping Ganesha regularly, all the works of the devotees get completed easily. This pleases Bappa and removes all the troubles of the devotees. If Lord Ganesha is remembered on Wednesday, then all the troubles are destroyed.

According to the scriptures, Ganesha is one of the main deities among the famous Panchdevs. It is believed that just by remembering Lord Ganesha, all troubles go away and fortune shines. Wednesday is dedicated to Lord Ganesha in Hinduism. By taking many measures on this day, one gets the blessings of Lord Ganesha and gets rid of financial troubles. People troubled by physical, mental and financial problems should take some special measures on Wednesday.

  • Do this remedy on Wednesday to get rid of problems
    Durva grass is very dear to Lord Ganesha. That’s why while worshiping Ganesh ji on every Wednesday, offer Durva grass to him. This will remove your financial problems.
  • People whose Mercury is weak should always keep a green colored handkerchief with them. It is auspicious to wear green clothes on Wednesday.
  • To get rid of physical troubles, donate green moong or green cloth to the needy on Wednesday.
  • It is believed that by feeding green grass to the cow on Wednesday for economic progress, the troubles in your life go away. May Lord Ganesha’s blessings be with you always.
  • To get rid of mental troubles, offer Shami leaves to Lord Ganesha while worshiping on Wednesday. This will increase your confidence and remove mental stress.
  • Sindoor is very dear to Lord Ganesha. That’s why offer vermilion to Lord Ganesha while worshiping on Wednesday and also apply vermilion tilak on the forehead. It will make your life happy.
  • While worshiping Lord Ganesha, do offer modak as bhog. Due to this, the grace of Ganesha, who removes the troubles, will always be with you.