Friday , September 20 2024

Blood pressure can prove fatal for health, adopt Ayurvedic remedies to control BP

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Waking up suddenly in fear in childhood and then mother patting, caressing with love, and putting you to sleep in her lap, we all have gone through such feelings. But the problem is that as we grow up, people start forgetting this magic and start keeping their distance from strangers as well as loved ones. A study done in Washington shows that hugging a loved one has emotional benefits. From the point of view of science, a small magical hug of 4 seconds helps in getting better sleep and also relaxes the nervous system. Researchers say that hugging releases oxytocin hormone which increases positivity, reduces tension, and also controls high blood pressure. 

If blood pressure is not controlled, it can cause heart attack and brain stroke and can even kill a person. If hypertension persists, you can also become a kidney patient, red spots start appearing in the eyes and due to weakening of bones, osteoporosis can occur. According to this, 22 crore people in the country need a magic hug because so many people are walking around with high blood pressure. Apart from mutual connection, what else needs to be done to bring the blood pressure of such people under control, we know this from Swami Ramdev.

Hypertension is the enemy of life

There are around 130 crore patients all over the world

In India, only 10% of people have normal BP,
90% of people’s BP is not under control and
more than 55% do not pay attention to the disease

blood pressure

Normal blood pressure – 120/80

High blood pressure

Upper one – 140+
Lower one – 90+

Low blood pressure

Top one – 90
Bottom one – 60

Why are high BP patients increasing?

Poor diet,
lack of exercise,
, diabetes,
, cigarettes and tobacco

Symptoms of Hypertension

Blood in urine
Breathing problems
Nose bleeding

How will BP be controlled?

Drink lots of water,
reduce stress and tension,
eat food on time,
avoid junk food,
take 6-8 hours of sleep,
avoid fasting

dangerously high blood pressure

Retina damage – poor eyesight
Risk of stroke – poor memory Shortness
of breath
Heart attack
Heart failure
Kidney damage

How to control cholesterol?

Drink gourd soup,
eat gourd vegetables,
take gourd juice

How to save a kidney?

Drink neem leaves juice in the morning and
Peepal leaves juice in the evening