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Home / World / Bill introduced in Parliament to declare holiday on Diwali in America, a big step from PM Modi’s visit

Bill introduced in Parliament to declare holiday on Diwali in America, a big step from PM Modi’s visit


Before the visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, America has taken a big step. A bill has been introduced in the US Congress (Parliament) to declare Diwali as a federal holiday in the US. US Congresswoman Grace Meng introduced the Diwali Day Bill in the House of Representatives on Friday. His move has been welcomed by various communities across the country. If the Diwali Dil Bill is passed by Congress, it will become a law after assent from the President and Diwali will become the 12th federal holiday in the US.

Grace Meng, the MP who introduced the bill, said this

Speaking to the media, MP Grace Meng said that for billions of people around the world, as well as countless families and communities in America, Diwali is one of the most important days of the year. He said the federal holiday of Diwali would give families and friends an opportunity to celebrate the festival together. The holiday on this day will prove that the government values ​​the country’s diverse cultural offerings.

Desperate to pass this bill from the US Congress

He said that in Queens, New York, a grand celebration is organized on the occasion of Diwali and it is organized every year. Which shows how important this day is to many people. He said America’s strength comes from the diverse experiences, cultures and communities that make up this country. Meng further said that the Diwali Day Act she has introduced is a step towards making all Americans aware of the importance of this day and celebrating American diversity. He is desperate to get this bill passed by the US Congress.

PM Modi to start US tour on June 21

Prime Minister Modi will visit America next month. He will be on an official visit to the US from June 21-24. Meanwhile, President Joe Biden and his wife will also host a political dinner at the White House on June 22 in honor of PM Modi. PM Modi will stay at a hotel in Washington DC, where the Indian community will organize several cultural events. A 21-gun salute will be fired in his honor when PM Modi is welcomed at the White House on June 22.