Friday , September 20 2024

benefits of eating a cup of curd on an empty stomach in the morning


Due to the summer season, curd is always present in many homes. Curd is made from milk. It is very creamy and is liked by everyone from kids to adults.

And many people include curd in their daily diet during summers. It is very good to eat curd daily. If you wake up in the morning and eat a cup of curd on an empty stomach, then the body gets many benefits.

Curd is rich in nutrients like calcium, vitamin B2, vitamin B12, potassium and magnesium. Curd is a light food and gets digested faster than milk. Let us know the benefits of eating curd on an empty stomach every morning.

good for digestion

Yogurt is rich in probiotics, which are good bacteria. These active microbes improve the function of the intestines and prevent digestive problems. Therefore, people who already have digestive problems can consume curd every morning to get rid of this problem.

improves immunity

The good bacteria present in curd fight the infections that attack the gut and provide good protection to the gut. In one study, yogurt was found to improve the immune system. However, the probiotics in yogurt increase the number of white blood cells and help the body fight off germs. The better the white blood cells in the body, the stronger the immune system.

skin health

Daily consumption of curd prevents drying of the skin and keeps the skin adequately moisturised. If one has gastrointestinal problems, it can lead to various skin problems. But when curd is consumed in the morning, all the gas problems get cured and skin problems can also be avoided.

health benefits of eating curd empty stomach in tamil in the morning

lowers high blood pressure

A study has found that people who consume yogurt daily are 31 percent less likely to develop high blood pressure than those who do not. Along with protein, yogurt contains nutrients like potassium, vitamin B12 and magnesium that lower blood pressure and improve heart health. So if you consume curd daily then it lowers cholesterol level and lowers high blood pressure.

vaginal infection

If women include curd in their daily diet, it can help in reducing the risk of yeast infection. This is due to the probiotics in curd. They control the growth of infection in the body.

health benefits of eating curd empty stomach in tamil in the morning

good for bones

One cup i.e. 250 grams of curd contains about 275 milligrams of calcium. If one consumes this amount of calcium daily, then the bones will be strong and dense. Also, since curd is low in fat and calories, it helps in weight control. Along with this, curd also helps in keeping the teeth strong.

helps in weight loss

The accumulation of fat around our belly is due to the imbalance of cortisol hormone. The amount of calcium in curd is high. They reduce cortisol production and help keep us fit. And curd is not only a light food but also fills the stomach easily. So if you want to lose weight then take a cup of curd in the morning.