Thursday , September 19 2024

Asthma & Workout : Should asthma patients exercise?


Asthma and Exercise: Asthma is a common non-respiratory condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Asthma patients often avoid physical activity or exercise for fear of an attack. However, according to experts, asthma patients can benefit from the right kind of exercise.

It is necessary to consult a doctor

Be sure to consult with your health care professional before any exercise or physical activity so that an appropriate asthma management plan can be created. Your doctor will suggest ways to warm up before exercise and cool down after exercise. How to avoid triggers such as cold air, pollen or pollution.

exercise can be beneficial

Doctors say that exercising daily can benefit asthma patients. It strengthens the lungs, reduces the symptoms of asthma and improves the quality of life.

High intensity workouts should be avoided

It is important to know that each exercise can affect each asthma patient in different ways. Playing football or basketball may trigger symptoms. So choose light exercises like walking, cycling, swimming or yoga.

exercise but also stay fit

Asthma patients need to be cautious while exercising so that they can avoid attacks. If you have a cough, shortness of breath, or chest tightness, stop exercising and take a break.

That is, physical activity and exercise can benefit asthma patients in many ways. However, they need to focus on exercises based on their trigger points and type.