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After receiving the passport, Rahul Gandhi will leave for America today


New Delhi: Congress leader Rahul Gandhi got a new normal passport today. Sources said that this passport has been issued two days ago after the NOC was issued by the local court.

According to the sources, the passport office told Rahul Gandhi in the morning that he will get the passport by today’s date and the passport has been issued to him by afternoon.

It may be mentioned that tomorrow evening Rahul Gandhi will leave for San Francisco, America. It may be mentioned that after being declared ineligible from the post of MP, Rahul Gandhi deposited his diplomatic passport and applied for a normal passport.

It may be mentioned that two days ago the local court ordered Rahul Gandhi to be given a normal passport for three years instead of ten years. BJP leader Subramaniam Swamy objected to the issuance of passes.

Subramanian Swamy told the court that Rahul Gandhi should not be given a passport as the investigation in the National Herald case is going on. Rahul will visit three cities on his US tour. During the weeklong tour, he will meet university students, Wall Street executives, members of think tanks and some legislators.