Friday , September 20 2024

After how long after eating ice cream should one drink water? most people make this mistake


At this time the scorching heat is wreaking havoc on the people, people are taking various measures to cool down. In which ice balls, fennel water, water of different flavors and ice cream are eaten for cooling. And who doesn’t like the taste of ice cream..? From kids to elders everyone likes to taste ice cream. But some people find it beneficial. Many people believe that eating ice cream cools the body and provides relief from the heat.

No matter how thirsty you feel after eating ice cream, you should not drink water immediately.

But you have noticed that when you eat ice cream, you feel more thirsty. This happens with almost everyone. But have you ever thought that after how long after eating ice cream, you should drink water. But let us tell you that no matter how thirsty you feel after eating ice cream, you should not drink water immediately.

After how long after eating ice cream should we drink water?

According to experts in this regard, drinking water immediately after eating ice cream should be avoided. If you drink water immediately after eating ice cream then it is not good. If you drink water immediately after eating ice cream, it can make your throat sore. And pain can be a problem. And with this dental problems can begin. So no matter how thirsty you feel when you eat ice cream, you should not drink water. Drink water at least 15 minutes after eating ice cream. Due to which you can stay away from many diseases.