Friday , September 20 2024

During Pitru Paksha, definitely light lamps at these 4 places, the souls of ancestors will be satisfied, good fortune will increase

Pitru Paksha 1725970858

We do many things during Pitru Paksha in memory of our ancestors. During this time, offering tarpan to ancestors, donating to them, and meditating on them is considered very auspicious. According to beliefs, if we please our ancestors during Pitru Paksha, then we get rid of many problems in life. Along with this, we also get freedom from Pitru Dosh. During this time, you can get the blessings of ancestors not only by doing charity but also by lighting lamps at some special places. Today we are going to give you information about these places.

Light a lamp under the Peepal tree.

It is believed that our ancestors resided in the Peepal tree. Especially during Pitru Paksha, when ancestors visit the earth, they are believed to reside in the Peepal tree. In such a situation, if you light a lamp under the Peepal tree during Pitru Paksha, then the blessings of the ancestors shower on you. Also, by doing this, the souls of the ancestors also get peace. By doing this, the ancestors show you the right path and you get success in life.

Light a four-faced lamp in the south direction.
According to Vastu Shastra, if we light a four-faced lamp in the south direction, then the ancestors are pleased. This is also considered the direction of Yama, so by lighting a lamp in this direction, the souls of ancestors are satisfied. By lighting a four-faced lamp in the south direction, you also get freedom from Pitra Dosh. By doing this remedy, you also start getting solutions to the problems you are facing in your career and business. Therefore, everyone must do this work during Pitru Paksha.

Light a lamp at the main entrance.
The ancestors enter the house through the main entrance, so during Pitru Paksha, light a lamp at the main entrance of the house. You can do this every day during Pitru Paksha. Lighting a lamp at the main entrance of the house removes negativity from your life and also pleases the ancestors.

We definitely put a lamp in front of the picture of our ancestors.
We definitely put a picture of our ancestors at some place in the house. This picture remains hanging there throughout the year, but during Pitru Paksha you must clean the picture of your ancestors. Also, a lamp should be lit under or near the picture. By doing this, you express your respect towards your ancestors. Doing this pleases your ancestors.

If you light a lamp at all these places during Pitru Paksha, then your ancestors are definitely pleased. By doing this, you get good fortune and you get rid of all the obstacles in life.