Sunday , September 8 2024

Chanakya Niti: A woman with such nature can destroy life

Know This Secret Of A Woman You

New Delhi: Great scholar, teacher, skilled diplomat, strategist, and economist Acharya Chanakya has mentioned many aspects related to human life in his Niti Shastra.

Through his Niti Shastra, he has given many suggestions for a successful married life. In Chanakya Niti, what things should be kept in mind and what mistakes should be avoided to maintain sweetness in the relationship between husband and wife, it has also been mentioned.

Apart from this, he has mentioned in detail about the nature and qualities of the person. Also, Acharya Chanakya has talked about some nature of women in his Niti Shastra.

According to Acharya Chanakya, one should be careful of women with such nature otherwise everything in life can be ruined. Let us know about those natures…


In Chanakya Niti, special importance has been given to the values of women. Chanakya has written in Niti Shastra that a woman with good values turns her home into heaven. She takes care of her husband and his entire family. Whereas a woman who does not have good values destroys everything.

beauty is not everything

According to Acharya Chanakya, a woman’s beauty is not everything. If a man judges a woman by seeing her beauty and marries her.

So there is no one in this whole world more foolish than him. Therefore, for marriage, instead of a woman’s beauty, one should know about her values, her nature, her characteristics, her qualities, and her demerits.

cultured woman

Acharya Chanakya says that if a woman is not beautiful, but her values are good then the man should marry her. Because this is the woman who will make his future happy. Such a woman gives him a great family.

beauty of mind

According to Acharya Chanakya, the beauty of the mind should be seen and the beauty of the body should not be seen at all. Because of a woman who is not beautiful at heart nor understands the importance of family, not only marriage but all relationships break. Such women are irreligious.