Dream Science: Have you also seen a white colored bear in your dream, know what changes can happen in life?

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Swapna Shastra: You must have had some dream while sleeping at night. Many people remember that dream in the morning, while many people forget the dream. According to dream science, every dream seen while sleeping definitely has some meaning, by recognizing which in time, a person can save himself from any untoward incident.


Seeing a white bear in the dream:
According to the information of dream science, seeing a white bear in the dream is considered a symbol of courage and courage. At the same time, seeing a bear in a dream can also prove to be a misfortune. Today in this article we will tell you what are the benefits and disadvantages of seeing a bear in your dream.


Bear attacking…
If you have seen a bear attacking you in your dream, it means that the person is narrowly failing to do some good work and is feeling incapable due to this. According to dream science, you need to be patient during this time. 

Riding a bear in the dream.
According to the information of dream science, if you have seen yourself riding a bear, then it means that you can make progress in your business and profession, and along with financial gain, you will also get a good image in society. On the other hand, if you have seen yourself walking with a bear in your dream, it means that you may get betrayed by someone close to you. You need to be alert during this time.