Saturday , September 21 2024

Health Tips: If you also have ‘these’ bad habits, then consider increased sugar!


Changes in our daily eating habits and lifestyle can also lead to the development of many diseases. What you eat and the kind of lifestyle you live have a direct impact on your health. Small habits in your daily diet can increase your blood sugar, did you know? Also, according to health experts, we all do many such things daily unknowingly or knowingly, due to which the risk of diabetes increases manifold. People who already have diabetes especially need to take care of every little thing in their daily life. Otherwise the blood sugar will never rise.

eat curd daily

Yogurt is a probiotic food. It is very beneficial for health. But according to Ayurveda, curd should not be consumed daily. Because eating more can lead to weight gain and metabolism can also get worse. You may also experience heartburn.

junk food

Nowadays there are many people who eat very late. But this will have a very bad effect on your digestive system. According to health experts, there should be a gap of at least 2 to 3 hours between dinner and sleep. If you eat solid food at night, then the load on the liver increases. Also, you will have to face many problems because the metabolism becomes very slow.

Nowadays, there are many people who keep more food in their plate than required. When you eat more than you are hungry. At that time you have to face obesity, cholesterol and digestive problems.

eating without appetite

If you do not pay attention to the symptoms occurring in your body, then you have to face many problems. Some people do not feel hungry when they are stressed. Many people eat too much food. Therefore, according to the opinion of health experts, one should not eat forcefully if there is no appetite.

If you want to get rid of pre-diabetes or pre-diabetes, then it is very important to improve these habits. According to health experts, due to diabetes, you may have to face problems related to insulin sensitivity, metabolism and nutrition.