Saturday , September 21 2024

The woman became pregnant twice in the same month, even the doctors were surprised; Husband shocked after knowing the truth


Have you ever heard of a woman getting pregnant and getting pregnant again? Now you must be wondering how this can happen. But a similar incident has come to the fore in England. In this, a woman has given birth to twins at a difference of four weeks. This woman became pregnant again even though she was pregnant. Four weeks later the woman became pregnant again and gave birth to twins.

In an unusual and rare case, a woman has given birth to twin girls, reports The Sun. There is a gap of four weeks between these two girls. Interestingly, the two babies were growing to different sizes in the womb. This information has been revealed in the scanning. The size of both the babies were different in the womb.

Sophie Small, 30, living in Leominster, England, was told about a phenomenon called superfetation. This includes getting pregnant again if pregnant. Sophie says that “I thought I was pregnant because of the constant headache. But I can’t believe we kept trying.”

What is superfetation?

Few cases of superfit have been reported in the medical literature. These cases are particularly related to women who have had treatments such as in vitro fertilization (IVF).

When a woman becomes pregnant again while still pregnant, the condition is called superfetation. A few days or a month after your first pregnancy begins, your egg is fertilized when it comes into contact with a sperm. This leads to a second pregnancy. Superfetation often results in twins. These are often born together or on the same day. In superfetation, a pregnant woman’s egg is fertilized and implants itself in the uterus.

Such cases are considered somewhat exceptional or rare, as they require three possible events to occur simultaneously. The first is that the ovary has to release another egg or ovum, which usually doesn’t happen. Fertilize that egg with another sperm cell. This is also impossible as the passage of sperm is blocked in the early stages of pregnancy. And the third is the implantation of the fertilized egg into the uterus, where there is already an embryo.

If these impossible things happen, two pregnancies can happen at the same time. But this time the age of the fetus is different. That is, both children will develop at different stages. That’s why these twins are different from others.

Sophie is already the mother of a son. She said that she did not know that she was pregnant with two children. I had a lot of trouble giving birth to Darcy. He said that I had to be hospitalized eight times in seven weeks.

“Even the doctors could not understand why I was getting so sick. In the seventh week of scans, he saw something different. I was going to have twins. But one child was bigger than the other. Something was unexpected,” she said.