‘India can go to war with Pakistan anytime’: Pakistan Army releases new material to avoid internal disputes


In view of the growing internal conflict in Pakistan and the situation there, the Pakistani army and administration are trying to divert public attention and have taken up their last weapon. He said that the Indian Army’s naval, land and air units are conducting military exercises along the border to take limited action against Pakistan. Some pictures have also been released for this.

Pakistan has nuclear weapons that can be carried in portable containers or briefcases

In addition, the Pakistani military and administration, through an adviser to the National Command Authority, which oversees Pakistan’s nuclear weapons, has informed the public about how many nuclear weapons it has and what new nuclear weapons it has developed. The statement said that Pakistan now has nuclear weapons that can only be carried by a soldier in a portable container or briefcase.

“Indian Army is doing a big maneuver on the border of Pakistan”

A lot of controversy is going on in Pakistan regarding this. Due to internal strife, rising inflation and war of words in politics, the situation in Pakistan is deteriorating day by day. After Imran Khan’s controversy, now even his army cannot hold the front in many places. In such a situation, the Pakistani army and administration have tried to convince their people that India can start a war with Pakistan at any time and that Pakistan also has nuclear weapons. An organization associated with the Pakistan Army and intelligence agencies today issued a statement saying that the Indian Army has been conducting a major war exercise along the Pakistan border for the past one month.

Indian army showed fear

According to the statement, the Indian Army conducted a joint force offensive exercise along the borders with Pakistan this month. Indian Army Strike Corps stationed in Punjab. Pakistan claims that the Indian Air Force conducted an extensive two-week exercise in Kashmir and Punjab, deploying more than a dozen different types of aircraft, including fighter jets, drone airlifters and other large ships and warships. The statement also said that Indian Navy deployed 7 attack submarines in 1 day which was bigger than Pakistan’s total of 4 submarines.

An announcement has been made by the National Command Authority

To further convince the Pakistani people, an announcement was made by former Lt. Gen. Khalid Kidwai, adviser to the National Command Authority of Pakistan, which commands and controls Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal, detailing the status of Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal. Arms, Arms The statement said Pakistan now has nuclear weapons that can only be carried by a soldier in a portable container or briefcase. It also has nuclear warheads targeting a range of 2750 km.