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Corona’s new wave will create havoc in China, 60 million people will be infected in a week


In China, where the corona virus infection first spread, there is a possibility of an uproar once again. China’s top respiratory expert Zhong Nanshan made the warning at the ongoing 2023 Greater Bay Area Science Forum in Guangzhou, Guangdong province.

China began to rapidly develop a vaccine


According to Nanshan, a new wave of corona has arrived in China. China has started rapidly making vaccines to stop the XBB variant of the corona virus. It is feared that due to the new wave, there may be more than 60 million cases of corona every week.

The XBB variant of Coronavirus-Omicron is spreading in China, due to its wave, by the end of June, more than 65 million cases of corona can be reported in China every week. Zhong Nanshan says that his country is working on 2 new vaccines to deal with the new strain of Covid. He said that XBB is a variant of Omicron.

There will be 40 million cases every week in China!

Chinese experts were already predicting a small wave of corona in late April and early May. It is now estimated that the new Covid variant will cause about 40 million cases per week in China by the end of May. After this, its cases will peak in June. Earlier in 2020, when the corona infection was at its peak, Chinese President Xi Jinping visited the military hospital and lab and took the progress report of the vaccine. His government implemented Zero Covid policy across China.

7 million people were killed in the world

The first case of corona was reported from Wuhan, China, after which this epidemic killed about 7 million people in the world. It was declared a global emergency on 30 January 2020. Most of the people have died due to this epidemic in America.