Surya Gochar 2023: From today, the transit of Sun in Rohini Nakshatra, these five zodiac signs will get benefits in career


New Delhi: Sun is going to transit in Rohini Nakshatra of Moon from today. Tonight at 9.12 pm, the Sun will transit in Rohini Nakshatra. In astrology, the Sun is considered the king of the planets, the transit of the Sun affects the life of each zodiac sign. The transit of Sun in it affects the life of each zodiac sign. In this, the entry of Sun into Moon’s beloved constellation Rohini is going to affect the life of all zodiac signs. But the transit of Sun will be very lucky for these 5 zodiac signs. During this, he will get a good chance in his career. Let us know which zodiac signs will progress when the Sun enters Rohini Nakshatra.

Effects of Sun transit on Aries
During this period, Sun will become the lord of the fifth house. Due to the influence of Sun, the economic condition of Aries people will be very good. Also, your relationships are going to be very sweet during this period. During this time you will share good relations with all your family members and relatives. During this, the people of this zodiac are going to be very motivated and ambitious. During this period, you can be successful in conquering your enemies.


Effects of Sun transit on Taurus
As soon as Sun enters Rohini Nakshatra, the outlook of Taurus people is very positive. At the same time, his leadership ability is very good. A different glow will be seen on his face. During this time people are going to be attracted towards you. You will get the result of hard work. You will be successful in earning good name and money with your hard work and dedication. Your reputation will increase in the society.

Effect of transit of Sun on Cancer
When Sun enters Rohini Nakshatra, Sun will be in the 11th house of Cancer. In such a situation, the sum of money will be made for the people of Cancer. During this, your career is also going to be very good. During this, your career will be normal. But, your sources of income will be very good. Will not have to struggle for the source of income. During this time, if you become a part of any business, it will be good for you. During this, your personality will also look very strong. Others would love to hear from you.


effect of sun transit on sagittarius
During this period, the Sun is going to transit in the sixth house of Sagittarius people. The presence of Sun in the sixth house will strengthen the career of Sagittarius people. And don’t hesitate to work hard in the meantime. During this time you will be successful in getting respect and determination through your efforts. Those who are involved in sports, their career can be very good during this period.