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want to increase your brain power just do this


We live in a busy and fast-paced magical world. A huge amount of information flows between people every second. Hence people have distraction, agitation and restlessness. In this case, the challenge is to restore calmness and concentration. But we are forced to restore them.

People have been practicing meditation for thousands of years. They are doing meditation for their physical, mental and mental health and peace. Nowadays meditation is becoming very popular among people. There are many benefits of meditation. Especially meditation plays an important role in increasing brain power. You can see a bit more about it in this post.

strengthen concentration and attention
In this world of distractions, concentration is a real challenge for many people. But if you meditate daily, your brain will get a good workout. It also improves concentration and attention span. So that we can live in the present. Many studies reveal this fact. Specifically, studies show that mindfulness meditation, a popular form of meditation, can increase gray matter in areas of the brain associated with concentration. So concentration increases.

And a study by NCBI shows that daily meditation can improve concentration and focus. Meditation helps to eliminate unnecessary information, focus the mind and remain free from distraction for long periods of time.

improving memory and cognitive function
Meditation has a profound effect on our memory and cognitive function in general. Research shows that meditation thickens the posterior cingulate of the brain, which is responsible for memory and learning. Meditation improves the memory of the brain which can store more information. By doing this, you will be able to focus more on your studies and work.

A study conducted by the University of UC Santa Barbara found that two weeks of continuous mindfulness meditation led to significant improvements in concentration, memory, and cognitive function.


how meditation increases brain power in tamil

fostering creativity
Creativity is one of the most important in any field. It can be arts or science or maths. Studies show that meditation improves divergent thinking, which is the basis of creativity. Meditation calms the mind, reduces self-criticism, and allows people to tap into their inner creativity and think freely.

And meditation promotes the integration of different brain connections. Meditation helps in building new relationships and developing innovative thinking. The Harvard Business Review says that 10 minutes of mindfulness meditation can help foster new thinking.

Balance nutrition and reduce stress
If the mind is to be healthy then nutrition should be balanced. Studies show that loving-kindness meditation and mindfulness meditation can also help control appetite. These meditations provide awareness of one’s thoughts and feelings, helping to live with balance and compassion. As energy matures, stress decreases, energy becomes healthier, and decision-making capacity increases.

Improving brain health and extending life span
Various changes take place in the brain as we age. They have an adverse effect on cognitive abilities. Meditation is an important tool for improving brain health and reducing age-related cognitive decline.

Meditating daily can stimulate the concentration and memory processing areas of the brain. Meditation also stimulates the protein brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which helps with the growth of neurons and overall brain health.