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Home / Health / You will be shocked to know about the use of discarded tea leaves after making tea.

You will be shocked to know about the use of discarded tea leaves after making tea.


There are a lot of tea lovers in India. Most people like to drink tea in the morning. There are some people who have the habit of drinking tea often during the day. Meanwhile the consumption of tea leaves increases.

Usually tea leaves are thrown in the garbage after making tea, but do you know which tea leaves you throw as garbage? How useful it is for you and how effective it can be for you. Let us know in what ways you can use the remaining tea leaves after making tea.

1. Wounds Will Heal

Tea leaves have antioxidant properties. This is because it is used to heal wounds and injuries of the body. First of all, clean the remaining tea leaves thoroughly. After this, boil it in water and after cooling, massage it slowly on the wound. Wash the wound with water after some time. Wound heals quickly by this remedy.

2. Cleaning of oily utensils

Often the dishes remain greasy even after several washes. You can use the remaining tea leaves to remove it. To clean the oily utensils, you boil the remaining tea leaves well and then clean the utensils with it.

3. Plants are nourished

Some people like to grow plants at home. However, sometimes it cannot be taken care of due to some reason. Due to which it starts getting spoiled due to lack of proper nutrition. You can add leftover tea leaves to nourish the roots of plants. These leaves act as manure and keep the plant green.

4. Cleaning the kitchen bins

If there is a bad smell from the old box in your kitchen, then you can use tea leaves to remove the smell. First of all, boil the remaining tea leaves well. Later soak the can in the same water. Doing this will remove the foul smell coming from the bin.

5. Can be used again

You will be surprised to know that you can reuse the leftover tea leaves. For this, first of all you have to wash the remaining tea leaves thoroughly and dry them in the sun. After drying in the sun, store it in an airtight container. You can also use these tea leaves to make tea again.

6. Helps repel flies

With the help of the remaining tea leaves, you can drive away the flies growing in the house. For this, you have to boil the remaining tea leaves first. Later kill the flies on the spot with this water. Doing this will help in driving away the flies.