Saturday , September 21 2024

A general meeting was organized by the pensioners who were worried about non-payment of pension


Haridwar: A general meeting of pensioners of Gurukul Kangri University was organized. All the pensioners are upset because of the non-payment of pensions to the university pensioners on time. Some people have even become dependent on June 2 bread. Dr. Bharat Bhushan Vidyalankar, president of the association, said while addressing the general meeting.

Vice-Chancellor Prof. to adopt the solution of the problem in the General Assembly. Somdev Shatanshu and Finance Officer Professor Devendra Gupta were called. Addressing the meeting, the Vice-Chancellor said that the University administration is ready to resolve the issues of all the pensioners. A finance official informed that the Ministry of Education is withholding the grant from UGC, but now some grants are likely to be received soon. But efforts for a complete solution will continue unabated.

The association’s secretary Girish Sundaryal told the vice chancellor that the medical facility available to us should also be implemented immediately. The pensioners unanimously decided that they will not hesitate to agitate if all the issues are not resolved.

Professor BD Joshi, AK Chopra, Girish Sundriyal, Bharat Bhushan Vidyalankar, Veer Singh, Mahaveer Yadav, Mukesh Ranjan Verma, Trilok Chand, Mahendra Singh Negi, Yashpal Singh Rana, Hemant Atreya, Jagdish Vidyalankar, Dwijendra Pant, SK Srivastava, Dwijendra Pant, S.K. Dr. Pradeep Kumar Joshi etc. also addressed.