Saturday , September 21 2024

Liver donation: Liver donation is risky


Organ donation is a great gift, how many homes we can light up. Some organs are donated after death but some organs can be donated even while we are alive, even if we donate that organ we can spend the rest of our life well.

A kidney donation only saves one kidney, but if liver donation is done, you can donate liver without much thought as your liver will grow back to its original size, see more information:

Are there any risks to the donor if the liver is donated? Let’s look at the information like the patient taking donation will have problems:
Liver donation: Liver donation can save lives of people suffering from liver problems. Furthermore, people who donate their livers usually return to normal size within 6 weeks. But there is risk in it as well as good.. First of all look at the good.

*We know who is the liver donor: While donating eyes, they do not know who is the person who is donating eyes, knowing that they are not in this world. Heart and eye donation is done after the death of the person. But liver donation is done when the person is alive, and the person donating the liver is also known.

Do not have to wait long for a donor: Liver donation is easy, one can get liver donation from a person matching his/her blood group. That’s why getting liver donation done is easier than other donations.
Liver donation is very rare
Liver donation is very less because people are afraid of liver donation. Some agree at first, but then fear the surgery and hesitate. So far only 5 percent liver transplants have been done.

what’s the risk?
Getting a liver donation can be good or bad for the patient
There may be a problem with the patient’s health when he receives a liver donation. Donors may also face problems, sometimes donors may bleed and need to receive blood. That’s why this thing should be known before donating.

Both the patient and the donor need more time to recover. kidney
The donor spends only a few days in the hospital. But it takes 6 weeks for the liver donor to recover. It takes 6 weeks for the liver to fully develop.

There is a very positive change in the health of the patient after his recovery.
Within 12 weeks of liver transplant, the patient is fully recovered and fully recovered and can go about with activities as before.