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Yoga of 5 auspicious yoga Ashlesha Nakshatra including Guru Pushya on May 25


A rare Guru Pushya Yoga is being formed on May 25 this year. This rarely happens because after May again such a yoga will be formed in December. On May 25, 5 auspicious yogas including Guru Pushya Yoga are being formed. Vrish Yoga, Sarvartha Siddhi Yoga, Amrit Siddhi Yoga and Ravi Yoga are also being formed on this day. Whatever auspicious work you do on 25th May will multiply manifold. On this day you can do all auspicious work except marriage. Let us know about the auspicious time of Guru Pushya Yoga, 5 auspicious yogas and things to buy which increase luck and wealth.

When is Guru Pushya Yoga formed?

According to astrology, this rare Guru Pushya Yoga is formed when Pushya Nakshatra falls on a Thursday. Guru Pushya Yoga is also known as Guru Pushya Nakshatra Yoga. It is very auspicious and fruitful. If you do not get any day for any auspicious work throughout the year, then you can do it on the day of Guru Pushya Yoga.


double fruit of worshiping the presiding deity

This year, five yogas are being formed on the date of Jeth Sood Chhath. Mainly this year’s second Guru Pushya Yoga will start from sunrise in the morning. Also Amritsiddhi, Sarvartha Siddhi, Ravi and Vrishti Yoga are also included. Worship, recitation and charity have special significance on this auspicious day. On this day, the worship done according to the rules and regulations has many times more benefits. Therefore, on this day the townspeople will worship their presiding deity.

Guru Pushya Yoga is on the sixth day of Jeth Sood this year.


A large number of people of different religions and sects live in India. We celebrate every festival with enthusiasm together with everyone. Various festivals are celebrated in Hindu society according to religious belief. Yoga has also been glorified along with various dates. Guru Pushya Yoga is also very important in astrology. This year Guru Pushya Yoga is going to be formed on the day of Jeth Sood Chhath. Due to which other 4 yogas are also being formed.

When and how is Guru Pushya Yoga formed?

Different constellations are glorified according to the Hindu calendar. Guru Pushya Nakshatra Yoga is formed by the combination of Pushya Nakshatra falling on Thursday. Guru Pushya Yoga is considered best for the worship of God including worship, recitation and chanting. Worship done to God on this day gives the best results.