Saturday , September 21 2024

Will you get rid of alcohol intoxication by drinking tea and coffee? how long does it take to get off alcohol


Drinking alcohol causes intoxication. Intoxication affects the body in many ways like slurred speech, blurred vision, loss of grip, inability to walk properly, weight gain and many more.

Many people think that drinking tea and coffee after drinking alcohol will reduce their intoxication. And now let’s find out whether drinking coffee really helps in getting rid of addiction.

How does intoxication happen:
Alcohol is a depressant that affects the central nervous system. When alcohol is consumed, it enters the blood through the stomach and small intestine. Alcohol that reaches the liver is metabolized. The liver can only metabolize a certain amount of alcohol per hour. metabolism but alcohol in the blood. Symptoms of alcohol intoxication depend on how much we drink, body weight, metabolism, tolerance to alcohol. The amount of alcohol in the blood is measured by the blood alcohol concentration (BAC).

Why everyone is not the same:
The effect of alcohol is not the same on everyone. Some people study hard no matter how much alcohol they drink. Others weigh themselves after drinking a little. The effect of intoxication depends on many factors like body weight, liver condition, metabolic rate, tolerance to alcohol, mental stress.

How coffee affects alcohol intoxication:
Tea and coffee do not affect the metabolism of alcohol. That is, drinking coffee does not cause intoxication. Drinking tea and coffee makes you feel active. This is because of the caffeine present in it. But caffeine has no effect on alcohol.


There is no way to get drunk fast enough to reduce the effects of alcohol. Doctors say that drinking tea, coffee, pouring cold water, eating ice cream and drinking curd is of no use. There is no right answer to the question of how long alcohol stays in the blood.

Does sleeping make you feel drowsy?
Must be said that if you sleep all night and wake up in the morning, you will not be completely drunk. Sleep has nothing to do with blood alcohol. Just waking up does not reduce the effect of alcohol on the functioning of the body and mind. Body weight, metabolic rate and tolerance to alcohol are the determinants of intoxication.

Disclaimer: Drinking alcohol is injurious to health. This article has been written on the basis of information available on the internet. No guarantees are made as to accuracy or reliability.