Friday , September 20 2024

These 5 foods dry up all the water in the body in summer, if you do not refrain from eating too much then you will have to face these diseases.


Health Care Tips: The body temperature is high in the summer season. However, some people like to eat such things, which generate more heat in the body despite the high heat. In fact, it is considered better to consume such foods in summer, which help in keeping the body cool, but most people unknowingly consume some such things, due to which the water starts drying up in the body. Dehydration increases. Let us know which foods you should avoid during the summer season and why?

1. Ice Cream Who does not like to eat ice cream in summer. Most people think that eating ice cream will cool the body and give some relief from the heat, but it is the opposite. Ice cream contains a lot of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. When these three elements enter the body through ice cream, they release a lot of heat. This is the reason that eating them can make your body hot.

2. Fried Foods Everyone should not eat more fried things in the summer season. Because it produces heat in the body. Digestion also becomes difficult. There is difficulty in digesting food. Which can cause bloating and gas problems.

3. Tea or Coffee Tea and coffee should also be avoided in summer. Because due to these you can get gallstones. Not only this, it can cause gas, acidity and flatulence.


4. Non-vegetarian Eating more meat in summer can put more pressure on your stomach. This can be difficult to digest. Because the amount of fat, carbohydrate and protein in meat is high. This is the reason that eating it produces heat in the body.

5. Spicy Food: Consumption of spicy food should also be kept to a minimum in summer. Since capsaicin is present in chillies, it can invite stomach ailments and heat up the body. That’s why one should avoid eating spicy food in summer.