Friday , September 20 2024

Guru Pushya Yoga 2023: Bring home these things in Guru Pushya Yoga, Mata Lakshmi will also have Padmani at home


Guru Pushya Yoga 2023: Constellations have special importance in astrology. Some Nakshatras and Yogas are extremely auspicious and rare. One such rare yoga is Guru Pushya Yoga. Guru Pushya Yoga is considered very auspicious. Guru Pushya Yoga is formed when there is Pushya Nakshatra on Thursday. This time Guru Pushya Yoga is being formed on 25th May. Along with this, Sarvartha Siddhi Yoga, Amrit Siddhi Yoga, Ravi Yoga are also formed on this day. It is said on this day that the auspicious work done in this yoga gives many times more results. It is also said that if any work is started in this Nakshatra, success is certain.

According to astrology, on May 25, 2023, the yoga of Jupiter Pushya Nakshatra is being formed. On this day, Gurupushya Yoga will be there from sunrise till 5.54 pm. Auspicious work and during this time the purchase of some things will give benefits.


What to buy in Jupiter Pushya Nakshatra?

According to astrology, buying gold in this yoga is considered auspicious. In this yoga, mother Lakshmi is worshiped even after buying gold or silver and bringing it home.

Buying Shree Yantra or Kuber Yantra in Guru Pushya Yoga is also considered auspicious. By purchasing the yantra and installing it in the house, the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi and Dhan Kuber always remain in the house.

According to the scriptures, buying turmeric in this yoga is also considered auspicious. If you can’t buy gold, you can buy turmeric.

According to astrology, buying a new house or entering a house in Guru Pushya Yoga is also considered auspicious, so there is happiness and prosperity in the house.

If you are planning to buy a new vehicle, then May 25 will be an auspicious day. Because buying a new vehicle in Guru Pushya Yoga is also considered auspicious.