Friday , September 20 2024

Why Whiteheads Won’t Go Away, Permanent Checkup In 5 Days!


How To Get Rid Rid Whiteheads: Modern lifestyle has made it very difficult to maintain beauty. Nowadays many people are suffering from skin related problems due to air pollution. Especially many people are affected by whiteheads on the skin. But to reduce such problems, chemical-rich skin care products are available in the market. Even after using them, they do not get any result. Therefore people suffering from the problem of whiteheads should adopt these home remedies suggested by Ayurvedic experts. Experts say that with their regular use, you can easily get rid of this problem completely.

1. Check whiteheads with guava scrub
There are many expensive products available in the market to get rid of these whiteheads easily. Since it is very difficult for everyone to buy these products, one should use guava scrub recommended by the beautician. Its properties provide anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties to the body and reduce skin problems easily. Apart from this, it plays a vital role in curing the problems of whiteheads completely.

To prepare this guava scrub, first of all you have to take one guava fruit and 4 guava leaves. Put them in the grinder and make a mixture. After this, take it out in a cup and keep it for 20 minutes. After that clean the face thoroughly and apply this guava mixture on the face. After applying it keep it for 25 minutes and wash the face with cold water. Applying it regularly can provide many benefits. Also, skin problems that occur in summer can be easily removed.

2. Rose Scrub:
According to the beautician, rose scrub also plays an important role in reducing whiteheads. Its properties are effective not only for the skin but also for the hair. Therefore, rose scrub can be used on the skin as well as hair to get rid of the problem of hair fall. But to make this rose scrub, you have to use the following method suggested by the experts.

To make this scrub, you must first take 10 to 15 rose flowers. After this take a bowl and put rose petals in it. Add two spoons of oats to it and mix it well. After doing this, put it in the grinder and grind it well. Regular application of this ground mixture provides many benefits. Along with this, the problem of whiteheads also goes away easily.