Friday , September 20 2024

Surya Gochar 2023: Mahadarsha, arrival and fall of money till June 14 for these 4 zodiac signs


Surya Transit 2023: Surya, known as the king of planets, will enter Taurus as the transit of every planet. It affects all zodiac signs, but especially it will bring amazing benefits for 4 zodiac signs. Soon these four zodiac signs will be hit by Kanakavarsha.

Each planet has its own specialty in the Hindu calendar. Planets are considered to be the factors of different stages of life. It is said that the horoscope changes according to the position and movement of the planets. Similarly, Sun is considered to be the factor of ability, respect and high positions. Sun is the lord of Leo. On the 15th of this month, at 11.32 am, the Sun had entered Taurus. He will remain in this sign till June 14. The transit of Sun is going to be very auspicious. Amazing blessings will be showered especially on the 4 zodiac signs.

The effect of Sun’s entry into Taurus is remarkable on the horoscope of Sagittarius people. The horoscope of the people of this zodiac will not return till June 14, that is, for about a month. They are financially strong. The stalled money will also be recovered. The old loan given will come back. Employees get significant promotions and increments. Opponents will also have to kneel before you. It is important to be health conscious.


Sun’s Taurus The entry is very favorable for Cancerians. Astrologers of this zodiac can achieve the set goal. All your wishes will be fulfilled. Contact with high people in the society will bring benefits. Buy a new house or a new vehicle. At this time, everyone’s co-operation is being received inside and outside. Economic condition will be good, new avenues of income will open. There are no health issues. This condition lasts for a month for the people of this zodiac.

He has entered the Taurus sign of the Sun as the planets have changed. Staying in this sign till June 14 Pisces Horoscope will have amazing effect. Employed and businessmen will get unexpected profits. Especially for months, it rains on the horoscope of the people of this zodiac. Otherwise money will come and go. Reach a higher career level. You will get success in court-court matters and you should be cautious in the matter of health. People get success in education.