Friday , September 20 2024

Cardiac Arrest Symptoms: Do not ignore these signs of heart attack!


Vomiting: Many times symptoms like vomiting, nausea, dizziness appear before a heart attack, after resting for a while we become restless, but this is due to disturbances in blood and circulation in many parts of the body. This happens, due to which there is a problem like vomiting. and dizziness.

Chest pain: Heart attack pain starts from the sternum which is the bone in the middle of the chest, we understand it as a small chest pain which is felt for a short time. If you experience this, immediately consult a doctor and get tested.

Breathlessness: Many times we start having trouble breathing while running fast or climbing stairs, if so then it indicates heart disease. Timely treatment is necessary.

Sudden sweating: Sometimes when there is no moisture in the environment, some people suddenly start feeling cold and start sweating. If you also have this symptom then never take it lightly.

Heartburn: Burning sensation in the stomach repeatedly after eating. We think it is due to digestion and ignore it, but this heartburn is a sign that there is a danger of a heart attack somewhere. The symptoms of heartburn and heart attack can sometimes be similar, but when it comes to risk, keep in mind that the two diseases are different.