Friday , September 20 2024

Astrology: These signs show that there is Rahu Dosh in your horoscope, bad effects are seen in life!


Astrology is considered to be the best means of getting future information about human life. Astrology is considered a science. Experts believe that the Sun or the Moon have a direct effect on the Earth. Similarly other planets also affect human life. In astrology, out of these 9 planets, Rahu is also considered to have a great influence on a person’s life.

In relation to Rahu, it is said that this planet affects all the 12 houses of the horoscope in different ways. Which also affects our direct life. It is a cruel planet, but if Rahu is strong in the horoscope, it gives auspicious results, whereas if it is weak, it gives inauspicious results.

Know about Rahu…

Rahu is considered an inauspicious planet in astrology. People get upset on hearing the name of Rahu. Due to the effect of Rahu in the horoscope, diseases, problems and failures are left behind. Know what effect Rahu’s alliance with other planets has on a person’s life.

Rahu also forms Kaal Sarp Yog by forming Yog with Ketu. When all the planets come between Rahu and Ketu, then such a situation is considered as Kalsarpa Yog.


Inauspicious effect of Rahu!

Due to the inauspicious effects of Rahu, the native has to bear humiliation. Due to the inauspicious effect of Rahu, a person does not get success in any work. When Rahu is inauspicious in the horoscope, the person becomes addicted to drugs. Rahu takes you into politics, but this planet is also the cause of slander. Due to the effect of inauspicious Rahu, there is a continuous decline in the behavior and morality of the person.

Remedy of Rahu

Install Rahu Yantra in the worship place of your home and worship it regularly. This will benefit you a lot. If your Rahu is bad then fast on Saturday. This reduces the effect of Rahu planet.

Also feed bread to crows on this day. Along with this, rice should be given to the poor. If there is Rahu’s position then the person suffering from leprosy should be helped. The daughter of a poor person should also be helped in marriage as much as possible.

To pacify Rahu’s condition, donate in the morning by placing it under the pillow while sleeping. By doing this, there is peace of Rahu planet.

Worship Mother Saraswati. Along with this Om Saraswatayai Namah mantra should be chanted 108 times daily. Fill jaggery, wheat in a copper pot and let it flow in flowing water. It is believed that this will definitely benefit.