Friday , September 20 2024

If your wife’s behavior is like this then she will surely leave you.


It is said that marriage should be tied in three knots, but if one of the two does not like it in the marriage, then the relationship does not last till the end. Sometimes the wife loses interest in the relationship. She reaches a point where she does not want anything in life. If these symptoms are found in your wife, then it means that she is definitely not interested in this relationship. So let’s know what are those symptoms.

1. She never complains about you.
For a long time, whenever you did something wrong, your wife used to point her finger and say something or the other. When they don’t like your behavior, you might even have a fight with them. But has he calmed down lately? If they aren’t talking to you no matter what you do, something is wrong with your relationship.

2. Is she quiet when you’re around?
Your wife, who used to laugh and joke around you for so long, has now become lethargic? Did you see that she just sat there without saying anything? Even if you crack a joke, does she react in any way? Of course he must have had some relation. He may have thought about leaving you.

3. No matter what you do, she won’t give up
We know how wives who love us very much are like. The more they love, the more they fight. They will not tolerate even our 100 mistakes. On coming home late, on not taking care of his wife, he gets angry at every step. But it doesn’t matter what you do lately. Are you saying that I have nothing to do with this issue? So it means that the relation is not correct.

4. Lack of interest in sexual activity
The physical relationship is as important as the mental relationship between husband and wife. Life is beautiful when both husband and wife show equal interest in sex. But has your wife become more interested in sex lately? Are they ignoring you even when you fall for them? If so, it definitely means that the relationship is doomed.


5. Not taking care of yourself
Everyone knows how much a wife usually cares for her husband. It doesn’t matter that she doesn’t care about herself. But she is dependent on her husband and children. But lately his behavior may have changed. She may act like she doesn’t care about you at all. Of course he might be angry with you and think about leaving you.

symptoms of wifeway wife syndrome in kannada

6. She doesn’t want to fix the relationship
It is common to have a mood of fighting in a marriage. Nobody wants to continue like this. Sometimes one of the two has to compromise. But no matter how hard you try to compromise, your wife does not want to fix the relationship. They can talk again to escalate the fight. If the relationship is like this then it means that the wife wants to get out of the relationship.