Friday , September 20 2024

How to breastfeed twins


Twins always bring happiness to everyone. But there’s no doubt that watching them is a bit of a dirty job. It is true that feeding especially babies need a little more attention. Breastfeeding is one of the best opportunities to bond, especially with baby for the first time. There are a few things to keep in mind while breastfeeding twins as part of World Breastfeeding Week. Many mothers do not know what they are.

Health experts such as the World Health Organization recommend that babies be breastfed until they are at least 6 months old. After this, you can gradually start taking solid food. But when it comes to breastfeeding twins, there are many conflicting things that can leave new moms confused and discouraged.

they are opposite to each other

they are opposite to each other

Firstly, the mother cannot breastfeed both her children because she gets tired very quickly. But a mother cannot produce enough milk to feed two babies at the same time. Formula milk is essential. Babies should be pump or formula fed. But while hearing such things, it is important to first ask your doctor about it.

feeding two babies

feeding two babies

A mother is very capable of breastfeeding both babies. It is tiring at first but then you get used to it. If you are able to deliver twins, you are often able to feed them well. When you have twins, your milk production is not split between the two babies, but both babies get enough milk. Formula milk is helpful but not essential. This is beneficial if, for some reason, you are unable to produce enough breast milk for your babies.

try to give as much milk as possible

try to give as much milk as possible

Bottle feeding the baby is not that bad but you can try it if the mother is not feeling well or not. But try to breastfeed as much as possible. These bottles can be kept handy for emergencies or if you are tired. Apart from this, some things should also be taken care of. Let’s see what they are.

Caution should be taken while breastfeeding

Caution should be taken while breastfeeding

A nursing pillow for twins, a comfortable and safe place to breastfeed, a comfortable or ergonomic bed, a sofa or chair, and baby towels are essential. These are the basic needs that help a mother to breastfeed. She has already stepped into the role of primary caregiver for the two tiny and fragile humans. All mothers think this.

things to remember

things to remember

Here are some tips to keep in mind. They are all these. New moms don’t need to use a breast pump immediately after giving birth. Mother’s milk comes out well from the hands. Then there are things like washing, cleaning, sanitizing and maintenance. These are all things that any mother would notice. Apart from this, a mother needs a lot of positive support so that her mental, emotional and physical needs are taken care of.

The posts are as follows

The posts are as follows

There are many different positions a mother can adopt while breastfeeding a baby, depending on the comfort and space. But, when it comes to twins, it’s a different matter! There are a limited number of comfortable positions that mothers of twins can use. Let’s see what they are. You should pay attention to these things.

catch the football

catch the football

The football or clutch occurs when the baby is placed on the mother’s lap. The mother should sit in such a way that she gets good support. Then the head of the child should be in the palm of the mother, the body should be in the hands of the mother and the feet should be behind the hands. A mother’s arms protect the baby’s neck like a cradle. Pillows can be used to adjust height, and twins can be held in both arms and fed from both breasts.

cradle-clutch hold

cradle-clutch hold

Hold your baby as if you are nursing him. Place the baby’s head on your palm. Face the body towards you. Therefore, one of your twins may be able to breastfeed more easily than the other. All this makes breastfeeding easier.

to be careful

to be careful

Feed the baby only when the baby is hungry. If you don’t know how to swaddle babies, or don’t know the right way to breastfeed, or how to work with two little ones, it’s okay. Ask for help if you need it, and if possible, make sure to breastfeed your baby yourself. Build a strong and healthy support system, be it family or friends. It takes a lot of hard work to raise a child.

to be careful

to be careful

Breast should always be kept clean. But the areola contains natural oils, and excessive washing can upset the skin’s balance and lead to dryness and cracking of the nipple. Practice basic hygiene and wash gently once or twice a day. Also adjust the feeding time of the baby.