Friday , September 20 2024

Relationship Tips: If you do this then you can easily improve the mood of your partner.


Married life is never the same. The initial attraction and desire wears off as the days pass. There is no need to cut yourself off from happiness and satisfaction with your spouse. Here are some remedies to bring back the lost libido in married life.

Due to various reasons like work pressure, business concerns, responsibilities, child rearing, etc., romance between partners rarely happens. But being romantic, romancing, sending romantic messages, reels etc. can arouse romantic desire in the partner. Let us now know what to do to get the wife or husband in the mood.

1. Send Romantic Messages, Reels, Shorts:
Send a romantic message to your partner at work or anywhere. Instareel and YouTube Shorts had to have something romantic. Recipients of such romantic messages can be gently brought into the mood even when they are not in the mood. This is a great way to flirt with your spouse.

2. Wear Your Partner’s Favorite Clothes:
Whether you come home after work or work from home.. Always a short, torn T-shirt for husbands, dirty hair, or lungi.. A nightie for wives, if they have dirty hair, looking at each other Will get the mood of the other. So they should try to appear in their favorite clothes.

You can impress them by wearing the clothes they like and being dressed accordingly. In case of wives, they can dress up in nice romantic and sensuous clothes and expose themselves and easily create the mood of their husbands.


3. Writing and showing love notes:
If you don’t like phone sex, you can at least write love notes, if not love letters like in the olden days. Write short messages as notes and show them to your spouse. This method is old fashioned but a great bag workout. Doesn’t have to be a good romantic message. At least if you write notes like you are very sexy, they will slowly start to desire.

how to flirt romantically with your spouse in telugu

4. Hugging and kissing from behind:
When your partner is doing something, go slowly and kiss from behind. Hug and hug. Kiss them on the face, on the back, on the lips, wherever they feel the urge. Such romantic activities can ignite romantic desires in the partner.


5. Be romantic while riding a bike or car
Married couples cannot have sex at home or on the bed. Romantic things should be done in the hall, in the kitchen, in the balcony, on the terrace. Going on a bike then do something romantic. While going in the car, if a romantic song is playing, then touch them sexually.