Friday , September 20 2024

Jagdalpur: Amcho Bastar-Amcho Police public darshan organized in Kudalgaon village


Jagdalpur, May 21 (Hindustan Times). Under the leadership of Deputy Inspector General of Police and Senior Superintendent of Police Jitendra Singh Meena, Bastar Police is promoting community/community policing by reaching out to the general public, addressing issues related to the police department and establishing better coordination between police and police. General public.. Under which a public darshan program was organized in Kudalgaon village on Sunday as part of village contact campaign with the original mantra of Amcho Bastar-Amcho police. The program informed villagers about cyber crimes and measures to prevent them, crimes against women/girls, Good-Touch Bad-Touch, Expression App, Dial 112, Side Effects of Drugs and Traffic Rules. The villagers were also told about the usefulness of CCTV cameras.

The villagers were informed about their village beat in-charge and personnel and given their mobile numbers and police control room mobile number – 9479194099, on which the villagers can contact in any kind of situation. After discussing with the villagers about the village, the villagers were informed about the current socio-religious situation and appealed to them to cooperate in maintaining peace and law and order. Along with this, information was taken by the Senior Superintendent of Police about the problems and complaints of the villagers and the concerned station in-charge was instructed to take appropriate legal action. The station in-charge and the present staff asked the villagers to immediately inform the police if they get information about any kind of problem, crime or suspicious activity.

At the end of the program, the talented students of the village Nilima Thakur, Babli Nag in Class 05, Payal Thakur, Khelshwari Kashyap Class 08, Himanshi Thakur, Janvi Thakur, Yuvraj Kashyap Class 10 and Tanushree Thakur Class 12 were felicitated.