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Hairstylist Javed Habib’s new book ‘Beautiful Hair Beautiful You’ will soon hit the market.


New Delhi, May 21 (Hindustan Times). Javed Habib’s new book ‘Beautiful Hair Beautiful You’ by the country’s top hairstylist is going to hit the market soon.

Javed Habib, the only Indian hairstylist who studied at the Morris School of Hair Design London and has been published in Times and Forbes magazine, said of his book that the book will clear the confusion and doubts people have about hair in the Indian context. Tried to do.

Talking about his book, he said that hair health largely depends on a person’s individual mindset/mental state. He says that after the age of 40, 75 percent of Indian women are irritated by their bad hair and it affects their behavior as well. They say that most of the hair problems are caused by the dirt in the scalp and cleaning the scalp regularly every day will not cause most of the hair problems.

Hairstylist Javed Habib says that the concept of different hair nutrition is just an illusion and it is a part of marketing strategy by companies to sell their products. They say that actually hair health is related to overall health of a person and if a person is physically and mentally strong then skin and hair health automatically improves and hair health is related. No one’s overall health can ever be achieved in isolation. He says that the use of chemicals in the hair should be minimal and due to the use of chemical colors in hair colors and spas, sometimes the skin of the face also darkens and the hair becomes weak and falls out.

He says that most people do not know the proper technique of coloring their hair, due to which they face a lot of damage due to coloring. They say that hair coloring should be done at a salon and if that sounds expensive then ammonia and hydrogen peroxide mixed in equal amounts should be applied to the hair for only half an hour, while longer. Leaving chemicals on the hair damages the hair and scalp and makes the hair thin and weak.

Hairstylist Javed Habib says that hair texture should be kept in mind while choosing a comb and a thin comb should be used for curly hair while a regular wooden comb is suitable for straight hair.

He said that the duration of hair styling should be decided keeping in mind the length and health of the hair. If the hair is short then this duration can be five minutes and for long thick hair up to fifteen minutes. And hairstyles longer than this can damage the hair.

Clearing the misconceptions about shampoo, he said that you can use mild shampoo daily to clean the scalp and while shampoo is proving expensive, normal soap can also clean hair and both cost the same. The result is visible. They say that ordinary organic shampoos and soaps sold in khadi stores are best for hair and using expensive shampoos and soaps is just a waste of money.

Hairstylist Javed Habib says sleeping with hair oil at night can damage hair as the oil builds up on the scalp, prevents hair from breathing/regenerating and damages hair follicles and cells. He says that hair should be wet and oiled five to seven minutes before bathing and then shampooed. It should be washed with soap, which benefits the hair the most. They say that applying oil to dry hair does not help much.

Regarding applying hair oil, he said that any oil commonly used in that area can be used on hair and said that mustard oil in North India and coconut oil in South India would be best for hair. He advises against using expensive scented/scented oils on the hair and says that these oils are made from treatments that sometimes damage the hair.

They say that once white hair can be blackened only by using chemical dyes and hair darkening methods through Ayurvedic or other organic methods are only frauds.

They say that only one product is equally useful for both white and black hair and the hypothesis of using different products because of differences in hair texture is completely wrong.

He says that boys and girls have the same hair structure and refutes the theory of difference, saying that hair care should be done equally for both.

He says that hair loss due to stress and depression in the Covid epidemic has been seen in almost majority of people and it has spread like an epidemic in urban areas.