Friday , September 20 2024

Fawad Chaudhary, former minister in Imran Khan’s government, accused of stealing taps from a school


In Pakistan, Fawad Chaudhary, a former minister of the Imran Khan government and a leader considered close to Imran Khan, has been accused of stealing taps and electric wires from a school.

A police complaint has been filed against Fawad Chaudhary in Multan. This complaint has been made by a person named Muzaffar Hanif. It is alleged that the taps and electric wires of the school were stolen from the government primary school.

A total of 11 cases are to be heard against Fawad Chaudhary in the Lahore High Court and this includes theft of taps and electrical wires. In the petition filed in the High Court, Fawad Chaudhary sought information about the police cases against him and in the information given by the Punjab Police, allegations of tap theft have also come to the fore.

Fawad Chaudhary was the Minister of Information, Instruction and Broadcasting in the Imran Khan government and during his tenure he repeatedly spewed venom against India.

According to Fawad’s lawyer, baseless allegations have been leveled against Fawad Chaudhary due to political ambition. Fawad Chaudhary can be tortured under the cover of this case.