Friday , September 20 2024

Learn these life lessons after breakup!


It is said that whatever happens, happens for the good. All the events that happen in our life are either pleasant or life lessons. Some bitter incidents tell us what we have done wrong and prevent us from doing the same mistake next time.

A break up doesn’t mean that someone did something wrong. It is only the difference of compatibility between two individuals. In any relationship, at first everything is fine. But the adjustment becomes difficult as time goes on. Now everyone chooses his own life partner.

But this choice is not right in the first relationship. A person who likes you at first may not like you as time passes or the first relationship may last forever. And in some cases, a person we’ve only known for a long time may finally come into our lives.

Compatibility issues are normal in any relationship. It was a couple of times but ok. If you regularly face similar situations then it is better to break the relationship than to continue. Breakup or breakdown of relationships is common in today’s society.

Even if others don’t care about it, they know the mood of the people who broke down at the time. Even though it hurts a lot at times, it makes us stronger. Here are some key learnings from them.

It is not about knowing others, it is a process of making us aware of ourselves.
The saying ‘I found out about them after the breakup’ may sound true on the surface but it is not true. A breakup exposes our insecurities. It can help us to know ourselves. Correcting mistakes made can be very helpful for our personal growth.

break up is like any other failure
that we face in our life. It may be heartbreaking for the moment but it can help prevent such a situation from happening again or help you deal with it effectively if it does.

It is not without reason,
There is a reason behind everything that happens in our life. In that case it may not come to our notice, but one day in life the word will come that I am not here today. It is natural to get bored at any place but once we are out of there we can move on to the next station.

It is foolish to think or worry about one thing for a long time if one
If a person remains engrossed in the same thought for a day or two after baking, it can be considered normal. But if it doesn’t fade from our mind even after months then it is not okay. Your thoughts every moment are an investment in your future. A basket of losses if not invested properly.

Know who they are from the first words:
It is normal in a relationship to think that everything they do is right. At first we might have been ignoring the words they used to offend us. Sadly everything can be remembered later as one big fight. It helps us in our future life. The first time we wake up, it doesn’t matter if someone talks about us like that.

Important Life Lessons I Learned After a Breakup

we never fell in love
Everyone is with me, not me. Being alone is not enough. A love or infatuation that begins as everyone likes him is not meant to last. Actually, there was no love there. We choose someone to be with.

there is a world outside love
When we are in love, we do not even know who we are. We ignore the words of others who care about us. But we get to know who we are when we step out of that relationship.

forgive ex lovers but don’t go back to them
, Do not keep the same enmity even after getting out of the relationship. This same hatred may lead you to start a new relationship with someone who is incompatible. Similarly, if you get into a relationship and break up, don’t go back to your old partner.

Don’t make the same mistake again
Learn from him What mistake did I make, why did I trust so much or I was too hasty and never repeat the same mistake.