Friday , September 20 2024

Clove water: Clove water has amazing properties, but before consuming it in summer, know its advantages and disadvantages.


New Delhi : Clove water: Clove is one of the important spices in Indian food. It is used to enhance the taste while cooking. But the use of cloves is also very popular to achieve a healthy lifestyle. You must have seen many people drinking clove water. In this article, we will try to know whether cloves rich in essential nutrients like Vitamin E, C, folate, riboflavin and omega-3 fatty acids should be consumed in summer or not.

health benefits of eating cloves in summer

helps to cure headache

Many people have the problem of headache in summer. Massaging clove oil mixed with other oils can cure your headache.

heals mouth ulcers

People often get blisters in their mouth in summer. You can treat it with the help of cloves. Rubbing clove oil on the affected area or chewing cloves provides relief in pain and swelling. Apart from this, you can also gargle with clove water.

heal the skin

Summer season is very harmful for the skin. During this, there may be a problem like sunburn. In this case, including cloves in the diet can help in healing the skin. In addition, it is a powerful antioxidant with anti-aging properties, which can slow down the aging process caused by exposure to strong sunlight.

improves digestion

As the temperature rises, the digestion process slows down and many problems related to the stomach also occur. For this, cloves should be consumed on an empty stomach every morning, it gives relief. Along with this, chewing cloves after eating also gives relief from problems like acidity and heartburn.

helps to ward off mosquitoes

Mosquito bites are one of the problems that occur during the summer season. Sometimes insect bites can also cause serious problems. To avoid this, apply clove oil on the exposed parts of your body. Eugenol, a chemical compound found in cloves, has antiseptic and anesthetic properties. However, be sure to consult a doctor before using it as eugenol may be hypersensitive to some people.

clove side effects in summer

eye irritation

If clove is used excessively, there may be a problem like burning sensation in the eyes. Also, pregnant and lactating women and people with liver problems should not consume cloves to avoid health problems.

thins the blood

Excessive consumption of cloves can thin your blood. Clove oil is also known to cause bleeding problems. Therefore, a person suffering from these problems should avoid the consumption of cloves.

lowers blood sugar

Clove can greatly reduce blood sugar levels, especially if you are going for diabetes treatment. Therefore, if you are taking medication, talk to your doctor before consuming clove.

can raise body temperature

Avoid excessive consumption of cloves during the summer season. This can increase the body temperature. That’s why pay attention to its intake especially in summer and keep its quantity limited.