Friday , September 20 2024

Sihore district ranks first in MP in redressal of CM Helpline complaints


Sihore, May 20 (Hindustan Times). Sihore district has come first in the entire state as per the ranking announced on Saturday for redressal of complaints of CM Helpline due to Collector Praveen Singh’s suggestions and continuous monitoring. In the month of April, a total of 7854 complaints of CM Helpline were resolved in the district with 86.23 weightage score, A grade rating. In Sihore district, 50 percent of the complaints of CM Helpline were satisfactorily disposed of. While Jabalpur is second and Chindwara is third.

Public Relations Officer Devendra Ogre said, Collector Praveen Singh has been encouraging and guiding all officials for speedy and satisfactory resolution of CM Helpline complaints. Collector Singh regularly reviewed the CM Helpline cases of all departments on daily basis and the officials resolved them satisfactorily by establishing quick communication with the beneficiaries.

Collector Singh congratulated the District Officers of all departments including District Panchayat CEO and Additional Collector for redressal of Chief Minister Helpline complaints with full seriousness and hoped for speedy resolution of common people’s problems. He said that CM Helpline is a means to get quick solution to common man. He said that we should always try to resolve the grievances and problems of the people at the earliest and provide relief to them.

It may be noted that even in the month of December-January 2023, Sihore district came first in the state with a weightage score of 83.23 in satisfactory resolution of CM Helpline cases.

In this way the grievances were satisfactorily resolved

Since last month, a detailed review of CM Helpline division-wise, district-wise and taluk-wise was conducted in every TL meeting, along with daily review of disposal of CM Helpline cases by Collector Praveen Singh. The difficulties faced by the officials in their disposal during the review were promptly resolved by the Collector. As a result of which the district came first in the state.

Officials also made serious efforts

Serious efforts were made by the departmental officials under the guidance of Collector Singh for satisfactory resolution of the complaints of the CM Helpline. Officers concerned with complaints were continuously contacted to know the problems of the beneficiaries and resolved them satisfactorily. Efforts were made to redress even from his senior offices.

Officers met the complainants in the field

Officials of the concerned departments went to the field and met the complainants for redressal of the complaints of the CM Helpline. Listened to their problems and resolved their grievances. Many complainants thus went into the field and praised the handling by the administrative officers.