Friday , September 20 2024

do not eat these things with milk


Bad Food Combinations: Milk is one of the vegetables considered very beneficial. It is advisable to consume milk, especially during summer. Because milk contains 96% water and it cools the body. Apart from this, milk contains many micronutrients including vitamin C which benefit the body. However, milk proves harmful for some people. There are two major reasons for that. Some people consume something along with milk or after milk which causes side effects on the body. Come, today we tell you about those things which should not be consumed with milk.


bitter gourd

If you have used milk in any way and consumed bitter gourd with it, then both things become poison in your stomach. Taking these two things together can cause vomiting. Along with this, there can also be a problem of bleeding from the nose.


If you have eaten milkweed then beetroot should also be avoided. Eating beetroot and milk together can cause skin problems and is also harmful for the stomach.

Avoid eating bitter milk

Sometimes the milk turns bitter. Cut a little milk and taste it before using it. If the milk is bitter then do not use it. Consuming bitter milk can cause diarrhea as well as food poisoning and stomach upset. Bitter milk also damages the kidney and liver. In many cases, consuming bitter milk also increases the risk of organ failure.