Friday , September 20 2024

These Signs Tell That Your Husband Is Not Looking At You!


It is not necessary that everyone’s relationship is good till the end. As with love in a relationship, it’s normal for cracks to appear. Usually the enthusiasm and love that newly married couples have, fades away as the relationship gets older. The husband no longer shows you the love that he showed in the beginning. They fight step by step. They are angry with you. How do you know if your husband is angry with you? Let us know what are its symptoms.

1. If you see your partner who fights with you on every issue, then
It is natural to get angry if you do not like it. Does your husband do this too? Do you say standing or sitting is wrong? Do you fight over small things? That’s why you are fighting their battle even after talking peacefully? If so, it definitely means that they are angry with you.

2. He doesn’t spend time with you.
Your husband ignores you as much as possible. On the one hand, even if he gets time off from work, he doesn’t want to spend that time with you. They just want to spend happy moments with you. They have decided that they do not want your company at all.

3. You have no affection
There is love and affection between husband and wife. Apart from physical contact, when both are together, there is a different kind of love between them. But your husband shows no such affection. If you go near them they will go away. They don’t want any such relationship with you.

4. Doesn’t show interest in celebrating his birthday
If your husband is not interested in you, he will not remember your birthday or anniversary. It is normal for us to forget such important days sometimes. But your husband doesn’t always care about this. They leave it up to you.


5. His Efforts to Maintain the Relationship Are Futile
, But it is not right to complain about small things. You are trying hard to somehow fix the relationship. But your husband has nothing to do with it. They leave it up to you. They show indifference that if the relationship breaks, let it break.

These are the warning signs that your husband is angry with you and how to stop it.  Read more.

6. Physical and mental abuse
Your husband does not respect any of your feelings of sadness, pain etc. Instead they will hurt your mind more. Not only this, if you do even a small mistake, they will abuse you with abusive words and start hitting you. Some husbands still keep their wives.

7. Not respecting you
Apart from love and trust, mutual respect is very important in a relationship. If your husband does not talk to you with respect or abuses you in front of others then definitely something is wrong in your relationship.