Friday , September 20 2024

Do you eat ‘these’ foods in summer? So be careful in time, otherwise there can be a serious problem.


Health Tips in Summer: The risk of dehydration is high in summer. Lack of water in the body is a common problem in summer. This problem can happen to a person of any age. Dehydration can be fatal if not treated on time. In such a situation, health experts recommend drinking sufficient amount of water to avoid the problem of dehydration in summer. But there are some such foods in the daily lifestyle, which if not stopped in time, can cause serious diseases.

ice cream and cold drinks

health tips in summer

These cold foods are salty and there are heating foods. In summer, excessive consumption of ice cream and cold drinks can put you in trouble.

Don’t eat cheese, sauce?

health tips in summer

Cheese, chutney should not be consumed in summer. Some sauces have a high concentration of monosodium glutamate, which is not good for health. Homemade chutney tastes good. Eating mint, coriander, garlic, amla, green chilli chutney is beneficial for health.

excessive consumption of meat and fish

health tips in summer

Too much meat is also not good for the weather. If you like to eat gravy fish, red meat, tandoori chicken or seafood, then it is better to eat meat once or twice a day. Digestion will not be affected by this.

Oily and junk food

health tips in summer

Avoid eating too much oil and junk food. Oily and junk food increases the level of cholesterol, fat etc. in the body. Consuming these continuously will upset your stomach and can even lead to food poisoning.

spicy food

health tips in summer

Capsaicin is found in spicy food, which increases the risk of pitta dosha. By eating these, the body heats up and sweats a lot, due to which there can be complaints of dehydration. Also, eating samosas, chaat or french fries dehydrates the body and makes it difficult to digest.


health tips in summer

Milkshake is the most favorite drink of the summer people. But you will be surprised to know that milkshake is very dehydrating in summer. This is because the amount of sugar in milkshakes is high.

dry fruits

health tips in summer

Dry fruits contain many nutrients, which are very important for our body. But avoid eating dry fruits in summer. By eating this your body temperature increases.


health tips in summer

Pickle is very much liked in summer. But they are high in sodium, which can dehydrate your body. Apart from this, eating too much pickle can cause indigestion.


health tips in summer

Whatever the season, we love coffee. But if there is a problem of dehydration in summer then drinking more coffee is not good. With this, you will not be able to keep the body hydrated.