Friday , September 20 2024

Green Tea: Green tea can reduce the risk of cancer


Everyone must have heard about green tea. Its use is increasing nowadays. Many people are advised by doctors to drink green tea. Green tea is just like regular tea leaves but they are different. The name of his plant is Camellia sinensis. Green tea, yellow tea, white tea, oolong tea and black tea are made from the leaves of this plant. Green tea is a tea rich in antioxidants, which will fill you with freshness. Phytochemicals like polyphenols and caffeine are found in it. It is considered helpful in fighting diseases.

cancer prevention

According to a research, one of the benefits of drinking green tea is cancer prevention. The anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties found in green tea prevent cancer cells from growing. However, research has revealed that there is no effect of consuming green tea during chemotherapy.


In today’s run-of-the-mill lifestyle, not much attention is paid to food and drink. Eating fried food is the reason for increasing cholesterol in the body. With regular consumption of green tea, you can reduce the LDL cholesterol in the body.

Constipation problem

Fried-roasted, heavy and unbalanced food is the reason for the problem of constipation. Due to the lack of fiber-rich food in the diet, you also have problems with gas, acidity, etc. along with constipation.

The alkaloid tannin present in green tea is helpful in digesting food.

blood pressure

The benefits of drinking green tea can also be seen in controlling blood pressure. Drinking green tea gradually reduces the problem of high blood pressure. Drinking green tea continuously for three to four months starts showing this effect.

health Protection

Green tea contains two very important substances called catechins and theanine. Due to these two elements, green tea has a helpful role in health protection. Lemon is a remedy to reduce the effects of inflammation.

The benefits of drinking green tea with lemon is that it is effective in inflammation. Lemon contains vitamin-C and antioxidants, which are relieved by drinking mixed with green tea. The benefits of drinking green tea with lemon are only when you drink it daily. Drinking it twice a day will give benefits. Excessive intake should be avoided. so be careful.

Beneficial for heart diseases

Drinking a cup of green tea daily is beneficial for the heart. One observational study found that consuming one cup of green tea per day was associated with a lower risk of death from heart disease. Drinking green tea also reduces the risk of heart attack.