Friday , September 20 2024

Do you know why you should avoid plastic containers for storing vegetables


Many people are now more health conscious. They try to collect information about each and every food item that they use in their daily life. They are trying to change their lifestyle accordingly. This post has been written for their benefit only.

Many people say that food items should not be kept in plastic containers in general. But there are some who call it false and follow their favorite trend. But if you eat food stored in plastic containers, you can know in detail what changes will happen.

In many homes, cut vegetables, coconut and leftovers from cooked food are stored in plastic containers in the fridge or outside. But keeping food in plastic utensils is not good for health.

Do you know why you should avoid plastic containers for storing vegetables?

Most of the plastic utensils we use at home contain BPA. When it enters our body through food it is considered toxic. It affects us in many ways. Also, ‘endocrine disrupting chemicals’ in plastic containers are harmful to the body. It disrupts our hormonal balance.

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In such a situation, if you keep food in a plastic container, then understand how harmful it is to your health. It is best to store cooked food in glass or stainless steel containers whenever possible. Best kept in the refrigerator. In general, plastic containers are always exposed to external chemical changes.

Get into the habit of eating as soon as possible after cooking. If required it can be kept in the fridge for a day or two. Note the type of container it is in. Set aside time to eat later and heat only what is needed at that time. Do not keep leftovers in the fridge. Frequent reheating removes more nutrients from the food and creates a more favorable environment for pathogens.