Friday , September 20 2024

165 women watched The Kerala Story


Jodhpur, May 18 (Hindustan Times). Under the auspices of Sri Gautam Sabha, Jodhpur, on the call of President Madhoprakash Jajda, 165 girls and women of the society were shown The Kerala Story in a cinema hall.

Shri Gautam Sabha Divisional Organization Minister Amrit Pancharia Dholasar said that connecting our sisters and daughters with eternal culture is the first and foremost duty of parents because first of all in human life we ​​should have practical knowledge to connect with family, society and eternal. religion It is very important to be there which only parents can provide.

Currently western culture is dominating our religion and today’s generation is falling prey to western culture neglecting religion and eternal culture, which is the reason of parents themselves because not giving time to children in today’s busy life is very dangerous. happening

President Madhoprakash Jajda and Minister Dushyant Raneja said that on the call of the society, 165 mothers and sisters took their time and watched the film based on the Kerala story together to see the present day reality to embrace the eternal culture, which resulted. Very positive. It was satisfactory and everyone appreciated this initiative.