Friday , September 20 2024

Public participation is essential to make India TB free: Brajesh Pathak


Lucknow, May 18 (Hindustan Times). Uttar Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister Brajesh Pathak on Thursday visited the Health and Wellness Center located at Dasheri Raipur (Kakori) village in Lucknow to check the progress of the 21-day National Tuberculosis Eradication Programme. He received information from the CHO present at the center about the functioning of the center, number of patients coming to the center and availability of medicines and equipment.

Addressing the villagers, Brajesh Pathak said that the Prime Minister has taken a resolution to make India TB free by 2025, to realize his resolution, the cooperation of all of us is necessary. He said that tuberculosis is not incurable. There is no need to fear or panic because of this. Its medicine is available at all health centers. With awareness and proper treatment, tuberculosis can be completely cured.

The Deputy Chief Minister said that tuberculosis treatment is provided free of cost by the government and each patient is given nutritional allowance at the rate of Rs 500 per month for six months.

Mr. Pathak also appealed to the general public to cooperate in eradicating TB and said that competent people should come forward and adopt TB patients and help them, as a positive message will be sent through social help. Meanwhile, the Deputy Chief Minister also distributed nutritional materials to two tuberculosis patients of the Centre.

He also asked Gram Panchayat members and Asha workers to go door-to-door to identify patients and try to take them to health and wellness centres. He said that delay increases disease, causing loss of both time and money.

During the inspection, Chief Secretary Medical and Health Partha Sarathi Sen Sharma, Director NHM Aparna U, Lucknow Chief Medical Officer, Health Department officials, employees and villagers were present.