Friday , September 20 2024

Cholesterol Tips: Food Combinations That Can Help Lower Cholesterol Levels


New Delhi: High cholesterol is also one of the major reasons for heart attack and stroke. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), one-third of heart diseases worldwide are caused by high cholesterol. However, not all cholesterol is bad and the body needs some of it to make healthy cells.

However, with high levels of LDL (low-density lipoprotein), cholesterol can cause fatty deposits in the blood vessels, making it difficult for blood to circulate through the arteries. Apart from this, sedentary lifestyle and wrong eating can lead to increased cholesterol and many terrible diseases. There are certain foods that can help in reducing bad cholesterol and it is recommended to include them in your daily diet. Let’s know about such food items.

Food Combinations to Lower Cholesterol

1. Garlic and Onion

Garlic and onions play an important role in cooking and both have cholesterol-lowering properties. Garlic contains allicin, which lowers cholesterol levels, while onions contain quercetin, which may help prevent the oxidation of LDL cholesterol. These two when combined together not only taste delicious but are also healthy in curries, soups and gravies.

2. Almonds and Curd

Almonds are known to be a good source of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats and protein, which may help lower LDL cholesterol levels. One study found that eating yogurt can lower total cholesterol levels by up to 4%. Yogurt contains probiotics, which may help improve digestion and reduce inflammation. Both these food items can be taken together as a nutritious breakfast. Also, you can eat it at any time of the day.

3. Green Tea and Lemon

Green tea is a popular beverage consumed around the world, which is rich in antioxidants. It can help in reducing the level of LDL cholesterol. On the other hand, lemon contains flavonoids, which have cholesterol-lowering properties. Consuming both of them together is a refreshing and healthy option. You can consume it hot or cold as per your choice. One study found that consuming flavonoids found in lemons may help reduce the risk of heart disease.

4. Lentils and Brown Rice

Rich in fiber and protein, lentils form a major part of the Indian plate. It helps in reducing LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol). Brown rice is a great source of whole grains, which can reduce the risk of heart disease by up to 20%.

5. Turmeric and Black Pepper

Turmeric is a spice that has been used in Indian cooking for centuries. It has anti-inflammatory and cholesterol-lowering properties. One study found that taking turmeric and black pepper supplements for 12 weeks significantly reduced LDL cholesterol levels in people with high cholesterol. Black pepper contains piperine, which aids in the absorption of curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric. The combination of these two spices is very tasty and nutritious, which can be added to curries, soups and gravies.