Friday , September 20 2024

Avoid overthinking!


Trust is very important in a relationship. A relationship cannot survive without trust. In some relationships, it happens that one of the two starts thinking very deeply about the issue.

They think too much about fights, quarrels or anything else. This can spoil your relationship. Let us find out how overthinking can ruin a relationship.

1. Don’t be too suspicious
Suspicion is the main reason for family breakup. Suspicion of husband-wife and husband’s wife is common these days. Many times you start doubting your husband or wife too much. This makes your partner feel bad and makes it more likely that he will leave you. That’s why it is not right to doubt too much.

2. You lose your temper
As married people, our family is important. Yes. We take great care of our spouse and children. It is not that we stop thinking about ourselves. It is also important that we take care of ourselves. But when we start thinking deeply about an issue, we lose ourselves. That’s why we should think but its excess is not right.

3. Problems increase, solution is not found
It is normal to have problems in any relationship. Such problems should not be made big. Don’t worry about it. No need to think deeply. Instead, figure out how to find solutions to problems as they arise. Sit down as a couple and discuss the issues.


4. We lose trust and give up
Trust is very important in a relationship. Husband and wife should have faith in each other. When someone loses faith in a relationship, both should sit together and sort out the issue. There is no use thinking about it. This will waste your time. And the relationship gets ruined.

signs that overthinking is killing your relationship in Kannada

5. Worry increases
Overthinking on an issue increases anxiety. If your partner or children do not listen to you or you are hiding some secret, then you start worrying about the same thing. This will increase your anxiety. Fights will start in the house. Worrying more than that makes you stressed.

6. Happiness is lost in the family
The family in which happiness, peace and prosperity remain in that family. But if the relationship between husband and wife is not good then problems start arising one after the other. This is what happens when you start worrying about problems instead of finding solutions. Happiness in the family is a mirage.

7. Misunderstanding the spouse
There is a family and it is very important to understand each other. Sometimes it is normal for couples to have some misunderstandings. That’s why it is not right for you to worry about your partner by misunderstanding him. This causes a rift in the relationship.