Friday , September 20 2024

Is there more loneliness in marriage? What is the solution?


Loneliness torments many. But when our loved ones are with us, we do not feel lonely. It can be our friends, spouse or anyone else. Sometimes even after marriage, we often feel lonely. When our relationship with our partner is not good then we start feeling lonely. So let’s know for what reasons loneliness comes in the relationship.

1. Threatening and harassing the spouse
There is no such thing as peace in some marriages. Because one of the spouse is committing atrocities. They scold and beat their partner daily and force them to live in fear. There is no communication in such a relationship. One of the two is single.

2. Time constraints
Nowadays husband and wife go out in connection with work, in such a way both do not get proper time to spend time together. Since both husband and wife are busy, it is difficult to see each other’s face. When will you still enjoy marital bliss? That’s why more cases of divorce have been registered in recent times.

Man is not a machine without emotional support. Emotional support is a prime need for human beings. Of course, this is what we want from our partners during marriage. But if your partner doesn’t appreciate it all, doesn’t care about you when you’re not feeling well, doesn’t support you emotionally, then you definitely won’t feel lonely.

4. When physical contact is not good
As much love is necessary between husband and wife, physical contact is equally important. But some relationships are only in name. Even if one of the couple is not interested in the other, it is not possible to have a good physical relationship. This is also a kind of loneliness.

5. When spending time together is not possible
So if only husband-wife and children are present then the couple gets a chance to spend their personal time. But if there is a full family, then there is no personal time for husband and wife. Husband goes to office and works and brings. The wife is busy with the kids at home. There is loneliness even in such a relationship.

Loneliness in Marriage: Common Causes and Proven Ways to Prevent it in Kannada

6. Old relationship should not be forgotten
But love marriage is not allowed in most of the houses. In such a situation, they forcefully marry someone else and leave. Atta does not want to live with the married at that time, but does not want to forget her old love. Then both of their lives will be ruined. Two cannot be happy. In such a situation, loneliness will trouble you after marriage.

What is the remedy for loneliness?
, If you are married to a boy or girl whom your family members have seen, then gradually increase your communication with them. know their likes and dislikes
, Relive the beautiful memories of your wedding by viewing your wedding photos and videos
, If your partner needs your help, help them before they ask for help
, Take your partner on a dinner date as a surprise while
, Be yourself every time, don’t argue with them, stand in their place and think. and give importance to their words

What are the health problems caused by loneliness?
, depression
, suicide
, Worry
, lack of self esteem
, addiction to alcohol, smoking, drugs