Friday , September 20 2024

Tulsi seed will brighten your luck, you will get wealth, do this remedy


Tulsi has special importance in Hinduism. According to the scriptures, it is believed that the Tulsi plant is worshiped at home. There is always positive energy. This gives immense blessings of Lord Vishnu and Mother Lakshmi. Tulsi plant can also remove Vastu defects of the house. According to Vastu Shastra, the Tulsi plant present in the house takes care of every calamity that comes in the house.

It is auspicious to do these remedies related to Tulsi


Along with this, the Tulsi plant already gives an indication about the problems coming to the house or the living members. By planting a basil plant in the house, all the problems of a person go away and happiness and prosperity comes. Similarly, in Vastu Shastra, some remedies related to Tulsi have been mentioned, by adopting which one can win over the enemies with wealth and blessings. Know which remedies related to Tulsi will be beneficial.

to increase wealth

According to astrology, pluck 11 leaves while meditating on Mother Tulsi on any Friday. After this, clean them and keep them in the flour box. It is believed that by doing this there is never a shortage of food. There will always be blessings in the house.

Offer Tulsi Manjari to Lord Vishnu

Apart from Lord Vishnu, Tulsi Manjari is also very dear to Lord Krishna. That’s why pluck basil as soon as it sprouts. Also offer it to Vishnuji and Shri Krishna. By doing this, there is always happiness and prosperity in married life.

light the lamp

Tulsi plants should be watered daily except on Sundays and Ekadashi days. Along with this, a ghee lamp should be lit in front of Tulsi every morning and evening. Mother Lakshmi is very happy with this. According to astrology, offer some Tulsi leaves to Lord Vishnu on any Thursday. After this, tie them in a yellow cloth and keep them in a vault, cupboard or place where money is kept. By doing this, the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi will always remain and there will never be any shortage of money.