Friday , September 20 2024

Green Tea Side Effects: Drinking too much green tea? And that’s it.. don’t be affected by these diseases!


Green Tea Side Effects: Green Tea.. Green Tea.. Green Tea.. Yes, to reduce body weight, control cholesterol level, say goodbye to blood pressure. That’s why the number of people drinking this tea is increasing day by day not only in India but all over the world. Nowadays many people are affected by serious health problems due to lifestyle changes.

Green tea is consumed everyday to get rid of these problems easily. If you drink it daily like this, then your pulse will be jealous.. Because health experts say that green tea should never be consumed more than necessary. Health experts say that excessive consumption of green tea can affect the organs of the body due to its Ayurvedic properties.


Moreover, health experts point out that it can lead to serious health problems. That’s why people who are struggling with health problems should consume green tea in limited quantity. Health experts suggest that it is better to consult a doctor in case of health issues due to excessive consumption. You are also making these mistakes daily while consuming green tea. That’s why it is better not to consume the following things while taking green tea.

Nowadays many people drink green tea on an empty stomach to control cholesterol in the body. Drinking this increases the amount of acid in tannin in green tea and affects digestion. Due to this, health experts say that there is a possibility of stomach problems and digestive problems.


Many people drink green tea freely because it is good for the body. There is a possibility of the problem of anxiety and insomnia due to such drinking. So health experts say that drinking two to three cups of green tea daily is very good. Also, it is better to have a gap of three to four hours before drinking green tea.

Nowadays many people drink green tea immediately after eating. There is a possibility of iron deficiency in the body and health problems due to such drinking. Health experts say that there can also be a problem related to the stomach. That’s why it is better to take a gap of two to three hours after consuming green tea.